Global Healing
Kidney Health
An enhanced blend of potent, natural herbs, Plant-Based Kidney Health contains antioxidants and other nutrients.
- May Detoxify The Kidneys
- Can Help Support Waste Elimination
- May Boost Energy Levels
- Can Encourage Normal Kidney Function
Your estimated delivery date is between Saturday, March 29 and Monday, March 31
Proprietary Blend, Organic Cranberry (fruit), Organic Juniper (fruit), Organic Horsetail (reed), Organic Hydrangea (root), Organic Uva Ursi (leaf), Organic Ginkgo Biloba (leaf), Organic Marshmallow (root), organic vegetable glycerin, triple-distilled biophotonic structured water, organic plant essence blend (organic lemon balm, organic juniper, organic geranium), ormus supercharged minerals.
How to use
Who's this for?
Those who are actively looking for ways and means to enhance and maintain the health and functionality of their urinary tract system, with a keen interest in promoting overall urinary wellness.

Potential Health Benefits of Plant-Based Kidney Health

What is Kidney Health?

The Path to Wellness: How Kidney Health Enhances Your Quality of Life
Your Questions about Kidney Health answered
Trying a new supplement may seem daunting, but we're here to offer our support and guidance as you initiate this healthy transformation.

How will I know when my kidneys are clean?
Results vary depending on diet, exercise, age, stress levels, and lifestyle. Some people require a minimum of three consecutive cleanses, followed by maintenance cleanses once or twice yearly. Evaluate and gauge your progress by how you feel and the messages your body sends.
Will I experience a healing crisis?
A healing crisis describes a phenomenon that may occur while cleansing. Cleansing dislodges toxins in the body and may cause you to feel ill as they are metabolized and exit your body. Common indications include fatigue, headache, minor rash, brain fog, joint and muscle aches, irritability, difficulty sleeping, or mood swings. Some people experience several signs, while others experience few or none. Stay hydrated and get plenty of rest — the effects are temporary and will subside within a few days.
What are kidney stones?
A kidney stone is a small deposit that forms when calcium oxalate crystallizes in urine. Difficulty urinating, blood in the urine, and malaise are typical indications. Staying hydrated can help minimize the risk of forming stones. People with a history of developing stones should avoid foods rich in oxalate, specifically chocolate, okra, sweet potatoes, sesame seeds, and spinach.
Can I take Kidney Health long-term?
Can Kidney Health help end-stage kidney disease?
Kidney Health is not recommended for anyone with a severe or chronic condition of the kidneys. End-stage kidney disease is a serious medical condition that a qualified nephrologist should closely monitor.
Are there any medications that interact with Kidney Health?
Certain medications, such as blood-thinning medications (anti-coagulants) and diuretics (water pills), can interact with the herbs in Kidney Health. If you are taking any of these medications, it is recommended to discuss the use of Kidney Health with your natural healthcare provider.
How long does it typically take for the customer to notice the benefits of this product?
Within a very short time, usually two to seven days, customers should notice an improvement in their urination patterns and comfort level. Depending on the nature of their health issues, results may take two to four weeks to appear.
Are there special instructions or additional tips on taking Kidney Health?
Drink plenty of water when taking Kidney Health to assist with the flushing of toxins. Consuming water with organic lemon juice or organic raw apple cider vinegar can promote healthy flushing of the kidneys. Eating additional fruits and vegetables can also assist with kidney cleansing. Apples, watermelon, cabbage, bell peppers, cauliflower, garlic, cranberries, strawberries, blueberries, celery, and cucumber support kidney detoxification.
Is Kidney Health safe for kids?
This product is not recommended for children.
Is Kidney Health safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women?
This product is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Can Kidney Health be given to pets?
It is not recommended to give this product to pets. We do not perform animal testing on our products.