Advanced TRS Detox
Advanced TRS Detox is the Safest & Most Effective Method of Toxin & Heavy Metal Removal. It's safe for all ages!
- Helps removes toxic heavy metals
- May increase levels of vital nutrients
- Can balance pH levels in body
- Helps boost immune system functions
Your estimated delivery date is between Friday, March 28 and Sunday, March 30
What it removes / 3rd party testing
Chemicals & heavy metals such as, Aluminum, Lead, Arsenic, Nickel, Mercury, Cadmium, Chromium, Cesium, Copper, Tin & more!
Each batch of Advanced TRS is rigorously tested, both internally and with independent 3rd party laboratories, to ensure that the product’s particle sizes, shape, and overall composition are uniform and maximize bioavailability, safety, and efficacy.
Test results can be found here:
Proprietary Zeolite Clinoptilolite Blend, Ultrapure Water, Sodium Magnesium Aluminosilicate¹.
¹ Sodium magnesium aluminosilicate is a type of silicic acid that has been studied extensively for its safety and efficacy. It is known for its strong ability to attract and bind aluminum, which is why it has been used for assisting the body in removing aluminum. Advanced TRS is not adding aluminum to your body, it is helping your body remove it.
How to use

Full body detox
Advanced TRS Detox Benefits
As heavy metals like mercury, arsenic, lead, and aluminum build up in your body, you’ll notice sluggishness, weaker immune system and more. Detoxifying your body from heavy metals and toxins comes with great benefits! Advanced TRS may produce the following results:

How does Advanced TRS work?
The cleansing action of Advanced TRS Detox relies on a specific component known as a zeolite. The zeolites are the most crucial active ingredient in the Advanced TRS Detox since their porous structure allows them to absorb large quantities of toxins.
Zeolite is naturally attracted to negatively charged particles such as toxins and heavy metals. Advanced TRS binds these negatively charged toxins and removes them naturally as it passes through the body.
Advanced TRS F.A.Q.
Advanced TRS Detox Testimonials
See how Advanced TRS Detox has changed peoples lives below
Mindy C.
Son's rash went away
"I sprayed it on my son's rash and it went away. Husband's dark brown eyes are more vibrant. Didn't notice a huge difference in myself though."
Allison W
Really pulls toxins out
"Really pulls toxins out. I feel the difference in my joints and muscles. Its really strong."
Jackie D.
We love TRS
"We love TRS it’s definitely help out family, my son was a late speaker or actually he wouldn’t say a word he would just scream and now it’s like he can tell me a whole story 🙂"
Sharon F.
This stuff really works!
"This stuff really works! Have my husband taking it now. My periods have normalized since taking Advanced TRS."
Rico E.
A lot of my mental fog has went away
"Feeling great overall. A lot of my mental fog has went away. I highly recommend it, even though it's a bit on the pricier side."
Stacy P.
I can sleep almost instantly
"I can sleep almost instantly, and wake up feeling refreshed. I’m happier, and more confident. Which is making my relationship much easier. Weight loss. Less irritable (have much more patience). No more cravings for junk food."
Jake B.
Had great results on my grandson
Had great results on my grandson, he was full of aluminium and arsenic , from vaccinations, after being on TRS , he started talking and helped his behaviour.
Jillian L.
Her skin got better
"My 5yr old daughter has eczema and was able to stop using her Rx’s after using TRS for two months! Her skin and allergies are sooo much better"
Jordan T.
Non verbal 3 year old added 6-8 words
"This product is amazing! My non verbal 3 year old added 6-8 words in a matter of days."

Why Should I Detox with TRS?
Detoxifying your body with TRS Detox may be a great way to address your health and potentially prevent serious illness. A buildup of toxins is known to cause serious health issues like chronic fatigue, Alzheimer’s, and mental illness, so it’s crucial to remove these toxins.
The Alarming Statistics:
👎 212 Toxic chemicals found in our body
👎 Over 80K industrial chemicals in the environment
👎 3M deaths attributed to environmental disease
Your Questions about Advanced TRS Detox answered
Trying a new supplement may seem daunting, but we're here to offer our support and guidance as you initiate this healthy transformation.

How do I know if Advanced TRS Detox is working?
The best way of knowing if TRS is “working” is that the symptoms which you are suspecting are due to heavy metals toxicity are alleviated.
How long should I give TRS to my child?
It is suggested for a minimum of 6 months to see results and then as the children continue to improve, some parents choose to reduce to a lower daily usage rate to protect their children from environmental toxins. This would be a maintenance dose. It can also be cycled on and off.
Are there any side effects from taking TRS Detox?
TRS Detox is made up of manufactured nano zeolites encased in water molecules and are passive in the body and are passed out along with the encapsulated toxins in 6 hours. It does not affect any organs and it does not accumulate in the body and is safe for long term usage for the above reasons. However, everyone has varying levels of toxicity and some detox symptoms are possible.
What are the common signs of metal toxicity that may see improvement while using TRS Detox?
How long does TRS Detox stay in the body? How much sprays should I start with?
Advanced TRS stays in the body for 6 hours. As such, the daily dosage rate is 5 sprays per day, split up throughout the day (recommended morning and night). Everyone should start at 1 spray a day and build up from there. TRS is tasteless and is very easy to administer. Just spray it directly into the mouth. For orally defensive children, you can consider spraying it into a favorite beverage or food.
Who can use TRS? Is it safe for children?
It is safe for all ages, including children. As a rule of thumb, the usage rate is one spray for every 30 pounds of weight (up to 5 sprays).
What are the contraindications with Advanced TRS Detox?
A contraindication to using TRS is total kidney failure. If someone is on dialysis, they should not use this, as their kidneys are not functioning. TRS does not tax any organ and will not cause any damage to the kidneys, but it should not be used by someone whose kidneys do not function. Also, if you are on medications that contain the metals Advanced TRS removes, you may be adversely affected.
What heavy metals and toxins does Advanced TRS remove?
Advanced TRS removes any element that has a positive ionic charge, such as mercury, lead, nickel, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, etc.
How is Advanced TRS different from other forms of liquid zeolite on the market?
Advanced TRS is the purest form of zeolite available on the planet. Through our proprietary processes, the zeolite molecule is nano-sized and encased in a water cluster, which allows it to travel in the body wherever water goes.
How long does it take to see results?
Some people have seen results within just a few weeks such as a boost in energy, more focus, and a general feeling of well being. However, results may vary and we recommend that you use the product for 90 days to experience the benefits of a full body detox. An Advanced TRS clinical study was conducted on a healthy subject and after 90 days there was 91% more excretion of arsenic, 43% more excretion of mercury, and 36% more excretion of lead.
How does Advanced TRS not absorb essential nutrients from the body?
The essential minerals are in a neutral salt form in our bodies. The zeolite is not attracted to the lesser ionic charges that these nutrients possess. The toxins, however, are not used in the body and thus are not converted to sequestered in the body.
Why is Advanced TRS created with a manufactured zeolite?
The purity and the ability to control the size and structure of the molecule allows us to achieve a smaller size and greater saturation rate. Natural zeolites must undergo a cleansing process, which cannot achieve the purity and effectiveness of Advanced TRS.
Is Advanced TRS safer than medical chelation treatments?
Yes. Medical chelation agents are very biologically active and remove metals by an active chemical process. Advanced TRS is completely passive and not biologically active in the body, making it much safer.
Could Advanced TRS cause mercury fillings (amalgams), dental work or artificial joints to leach into the body?
No, Advanced TRS will not cause leaching of metals into the body from items such as fillings, artificial joints, etc. Those are bound and are electrically neutral, which is why they last as long as they do. They will not be attracted to, or removed by, the zeolite.