Global Healing
Designed to help create an environment that’s hostile to invading organisms while promoting a natural cleansing of your body.
- May Cleanse Your Body of Harmful Organisms
- Can Support Normal Digestive Health
- May Boost the Immune System
Your estimated delivery date is between Thursday, March 6 and Saturday, March 8
Proprietary Blend, Organic Black Walnut, Diatomaceous Earth, Organic Neem, Wildcrafted Wormwood, Organic Clove, vegetable capsule (cellulose), organic gum acacia, organic rice hulls, ormus supercharged minerals.
How to use
Who's this for?
Individuals who are unfortunately enduring the detrimental effects of an excessive multiplication of parasites, the presence of harmful organisms, and the infiltration of toxic substances in their bodies.

Potential Health Benefits of Paratrex

What Is Paratrex?

Discover how Paratrex can contribute to a healthier and improved version of yourself
Your Questions about Paratrex® answered
Trying a new supplement may seem daunting, but we're here to offer our support and guidance as you initiate this healthy transformation.

What happens if I forget to take it before my first meal?
If you miss your first serving, you can take Paratrex 20 minutes before lunch and 20 minutes before dinner.
When do you start seeing results after taking Paratrex?
Paratrex eliminates harmful organisms and supports normal digestive and immune health. For best results, we recommend using Paratrex for 60 days (it requires an additional bottle).
Does this have food-grade diatomaceous earth?
Paratrex contains food-grade diatomaceous earth.
Can you take this if you are nursing?
If I have an allergy to walnut, can I take Paratrex? If so, do you have any substitute for it?
If you are highly allergic to walnuts, it may be best to forgo Paratrex since it contains black walnut. In these situations, you can substitute Mycozil as it can also help eliminate harmful organisms, particularly stimulating the body’s natural detoxification of yeast and fungal organisms.
Does this work as a candida or other internal fungal cleanse?
Paratrex helps cleanse your body of harmful organisms transmitted by people, pets, the environment, food, and water. We recommend Mycozil for balancing yeast and fungus, and it provides candida support.
Can I take other supplements, vitamins, or medications after Paratrex in 20 minutes?
You can take all other supplements 20-30 minutes away from Paratrex to ensure maximum absorption. Please consider consulting with your healthcare provider for additional tips and guidance if taking any medications.
Does this cause diarrhea or other discomfort during the process?
Paratrex does not generally cause loose stools; however, you may experience a healing crisis, where you may feel a little worse during the initial cleansing phase. This is due to toxins or byproducts of toxins being “dislodged” as they are processed for removal. Fatigue, headache, minor rash, lack of mental clarity, joint or muscle aches, irritability, difficulty sleeping, or mood swings are common complaints and often subside within a few days.
Does this affect fertility?
Paratrex is not known to affect fertility in males or females. If you have medical concerns before use, please check with your healthcare provider for additional guidance.
I have a tough time with capsules. Can you take this without the capsule?
Yes, you can also open the capsule and mix the powder in water; that is just as effective as swallowing the capsules.