What to Know About Arsenic: Forms, Uses, and Risks

What to Know About Arsenic: Forms, Uses, and Risks

Arsenic is a trace element that can be found in many parts of the environment, such as rocks, soil, water, air, plants, and animals. It’s a normal part of the Earth’s crust, but some forms of this chemical can be highly toxic to humans.

It can easily contaminate groundwater, food crops, and other products we use. In this article, we’ll explore its forms, uses, and risks, as well as natural ways to remove it from our bodies.

What Are the Forms of Arsenic?

Arsenic often occurs as a part of other chemical compounds, but it sometimes appears as its pure, metalloid form. We can classify the forms of this chemical into two distinct groups: organic and inorganic.

  • Organic Forms: The organic forms of arsenic are ones in carbon-based compounds. These occur naturally in many of the foods we eat, especially fish and shellfish. Organic arsenic is typically harmless and does not pose dangers to the human body.
  • Inorganic Forms:The inorganic forms occur when arsenic is combined with any element other than carbon. These substances can be found in construction materials or contaminated food and water sources. They are the more toxic versions of the chemical, often leading to cancer or arsenic poisoning.

What Are the Uses of Arsenic?

Many healthcare practitioners use arsenic as medicine. One of its most prevalent uses is in chemotherapy.

They often administer arsenic trioxide through IV injections to treat patients with a rare type of blood cancer referred to as promyelocytic leukemia. This medication helps kill cancer cells and is only available by prescription.

Some people also use heavily diluted forms of arsenic to provide relief from allergies, food poisoning, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and insomnia. However, the evidence seems to be lacking.

What Are the Risks of Arsenic?

Inorganic arsenic is a highly toxic substance that can contaminate our food, water, and even the air we breathe. It does not have a taste or odor, so it may be hard to detect if you’re exposed to the chemical.

When we intake too much inorganic arsenic, it may result in arsenic poisoning. The symptoms include having red, swollen skin, warts, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, muscle cramps, problems with heart rhythm, and tingling extremities. Extreme cases of arsenic poisoning can be fatal.

Pure arsenic and inorganic arsenic are also known carcinogens, which are substances that can cause cancer. Scientists have found sufficient evidence that exposure to these chemicals can lead to skin, lung, and bladder cancers.

How Does Arsenic Get in Our Bodies?

Inorganic arsenic can contaminate many parts of our daily lives. Exposure occurs more typically in areas with arsenic-contaminated groundwater and around regions of industrialization. Older pesticides also contain this chemical, but the substance is now highly regulated due to its environmental and health impacts.

Buy Advanced TRS to Help You Detox

Arsenic is a naturally occurring compound that exists in trace amounts almost everywhere. Although some forms of this chemical are harmless even if we ingest them, some can be highly toxic and pose significant health risks. Getting rid of this chemical from our bodies is crucial to avoid its harmful effects.

If you’re looking to detoxify your body and get rid of arsenic and heavy metals, it’s best to use Advanced TRS detox spray. Easy Detox can provide you with quality products that will help get rid of contaminants that can adversely affect your health. Shop with us today!

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